Herbal Allergy Relief - Useful Herbs for Allergies

There are a few useful herbs for allergies which effectively bring herbal allergy relief to anyone suffering such a condition.

Severe allergies and hay fever during the summer months can be one of the most incapacitating conditions. Anyone who has experienced these symptoms knows this very well. There are many herbal allergy remedies that can offer the same antihistamine effects of certain chemical drugs, but without the drowsiness and side effects.


Unprocessed cacao is one of the most pharmacologically active foods in the world. It has a wide range of benefits, and there are currently over 3,000 studies that have been done of the effects of cacao.

One commonly reported benefit is a significant effect on allergy symptoms. This makes it a useful addition to any herbal allergy treatment.

To get the benefits of cacao, you need the unprocessed product. Dark chocolate from the grocery store only offers a fraction of the benefits of raw cacao. Raw cacao is very bitter, so if you can handle that, then drinking the powder with water, or some natural nut milk, is a very good thing to include in your lifestyle.

There is a relatively new brand of dark chocolate that is able to offer the taste of Belgian chocolate, while still retaining most, or all of the benefits of unprocessed cacao. It is made using a patented processing method, and at the time of this writing, it is the only chocolate on the market that offers this benefit. The brand name of this chocolate is Xocai.

This must surely be one of the more interesting herbal remedies for allergies.

Stinging Nettle

There are several herbs that have antihistamine properties, but stinging nettle is one of the best herbs for allergies and for bringing herbal allergy relief. The parts used are the above-ground parts. You can buy various extracts and powders, but many of these are of low quality.

The best way to use stinging nettle is to buy the raw herb yourself, and to make an infusion tea out of it. Stinging nettle tea can be consumed in large quantities; you can drink cups throughout the day.

The taste is very mild compared to many other herbs, but you can add a small amount of raw honey if desired. To many people, it can be a pleasant drink, although others may have to acquire a taste for it. If you live in the Rocky Mountain regions, stinging nettle probably grows locally. In the places that it does grow, it tends to do so quite abundantly. Fresh herb is always the best, so if you can acquire some, it would be very beneficial for herbal allergy relief.

Local Raw Honey

Honey is made from the nectar of flowers, and it contains the pollens of the various plants the bees collect from. Locally raised honey contains some of the pollens of various local plants. Consuming raw honey that is locally raised can help your body to better adapt to some of these pollens.

In addition to being one of the useful herbal remedies for allergies, consuming raw honey has a variety of other health benefits. So allergies or not, consuming a spoonful or two of locally raised raw honey each day is a beneficial practice.(all4naturalhealth)

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