Herbal Remedies for Acne - Best Herbs for Acne

This article will discuss some herbal remedies for acne – natural solutions in the form of herbal acne treatments, which can be far more effective than any cosmetic treatment.

Herbal Treatments for Acne – Best Herbs for Acne

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is one of the most soothing and healing substances in the world. In fact, aloe vera gel can speed up the healing of skin injuries by up to 10 times. Aloe vera gel is an outstanding herb for the skin, and is excellent to use as an acne herb. You can apply it to the skin at any time to help soothe and heal it. Aloe vera gel is one of the best herbal remedies for acne, burns and other skin issues.

Understand that to get significant results, you must you 100% pure, natural aloe vera gel. The gel that you purchase in a pump-bottle that has the consistency of hair gel is garbage. Colored aloe vera gel is also garbage.

Pure aloe vera gel must be bought from a health food store, and it has an extremely runny consistency. It needs to be stored in the refrigerator. The best way to get pure aloe vera gel is to buy some plants and start growing them around the house. When you need some gel, you just cut off a portion of the leaf.

Apple Cider Vinegar
one of the best herbal remedies for acne relief

Out of all the natural and herbal remedies for acne, apple cider vinegar is one of the most effective and best herbs for acne. If you could only pick one herb or treatment, this would be a top choice. You ideally need to use raw, unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar. Bragg's is an excellent brand, and can be found in many grocery stores. You can consume it internally, and you can also use it externally.

To use it externally, make a solution of 30-50% apple cider vinegar, and the other 50-70% of pure water. You can also add drops of tea tree oil to the mixture. Simply apply this liquid to your skin, and rub it in a bit. Keep re-applying it often enough to keep your skin wet. Do this for 5-10 minutes, then let the remaining liquid simply dry.

There is no need to rinse afterwards, unless you want to get rid of the vinegar smell. You can do this several times throughout the day. If your skin starts to get dry because of this, you can apply some aloe vera gel to soothe and moisten it.

Consuming apple cider vinegar internally is a fantastic herbal acne treatment, and is also excellent for many other aspects of health as well. Take 1-2 oz and mix it in a cup of water. You can also add a bit of raw honey for taste. Raw honey (do not confuse with processed honey) is also very beneficial for health. You can drink this mixture 1-3 times per day. After drinking the vinegar, quickly rinse your mouth out with water to wash the acetic acid, which is the natural acid in vinegar, off your teeth.

Burdock Root Tea
good detoxifiers, thus they are useful herbal remedies for acne

Burdock root is a great herb that helps to purge the toxins trapped in between, or near the layers of the skin. This makes it another one of the good herbal remedies for acne relief.

Buy the raw herb from a good supplier, and make a tea using the standard method for making a decoction. To do this, place the herb inside a wire teabag, and let it soak in cold water for an hour or so. You can even let it soak overnight if you want. After soaking, take that pot of water and bring it up to a low simmer – after that, simmer for about 15-30 minutes. If you don’t have a wire teabag, you can just place the herb directly in the pot, and filter it through a coffee filter or fine strainer afterwards. Use 1-2 tablespoons of raw herb per pint of water.

Although burdock is one of the herbal remedies for acne which may be useful, to a certain extent, when used alone, keep in mind that because burdock is an herb that purges toxins, it is best used in conjunction with a natural detox program.

If your body is clogged up, the purging effect of the burdock can cause it to expel toxins through the skin instead of the colon and kidneys. The effect of the toxins moving through the skin can cause various rashes, severe itchiness, and other skin symptoms. Other than the severe unpleasantness, this is not a serious issue. However, if that does happen, it’s a sign that your body's elimination channels are clogged up.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is made of a small molecule that will not clog the pores. It is extremely soothing and beneficial to the skin. Jojoba oil is a fantastic natural moisturizer, and it can help to counter excessive sebum production.

The white pus-like substance that comes out when you pop a pimple comes from sebum. Sebum production is part of maintaining healthy skin, but an excess amount results in acne. You can purchase jojoba oil at most health food stores. NOW is an excellent brand to look for when buying jojoba oil.


Neem is a classic acne herb. It helps to balance the effects of refined sugars, and is also said to make the skin cells more resistant to viruses. Neem is an ingredient in special facial soaps. High quality neem soap can be beneficial for most people.

Just remember that neem is not a miracle herbal cure for acne, and if you are still powering down soda pop by the quart, candy, and fried foods, a little neem soap probably isn't going to change much. In fact, this applies to all possible herbal remedies for acne.

You can also make an infusion tea out of neem. This is probably the most effective way to use this herb. You can buy teabags, or you can just buy the raw herb yourself to make a simple tea. Teabags can be more convenient, but purchasing the bulk raw herb is probably much cheaper.

Tea Tree Oil
one of the best topical acne herbal remedies

The last of the acne herbs to be discussed is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a fantastic antibacterial and antiviral substance to use as a topical herbal acne treatment. As far as herbal remedies for acne go, this is one of the best spot-treatments available. It is certainly more desirable than commercial products such as benzyl peroxide.

The only downside is its strong, unique scent. If you are about to go out of town, tea tree oil may not be a good choice.

Use 14% tea tree oil that is diluted. 100% tea tree oil is extremely strong, and can dry the skin out when used frequently. If you cannot find diluted tea tree oil, you can dilute it yourself by mixing it with water or apple cider vinegar.(all4naturalhealth)

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