Exotic Cures: Devil’s Claw is God’s Gift for Back and Muscle Pain

Brazilians are using all sorts of plants and herbs to alleviate pains and strains. What’s “in vogue” today is an herb called garra do diabo, or devil’s claw (scientific name, Harpagophyitum procumbens). But don’t be startled by the name; it’s not what you think. Devil’s claw got a bad rap in the name department. As you will see, it’s more like a gift from the gods in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, fibromialgia, bursitis, tendonitis, spinal problems, osteoporosis, and general muscular pain.

Its properties began to be studied around the time of WWII by European scientists, who dubbed it devil’s claw due to its many thorny spines that resemble claws. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and febrifuge (fever-reducing) properties. It also helps heal wounds, stimulates the digestive and lymphatic systems and helps in the production of bile from the liver and gall bladder. These qualities make it among the most sought after cures for lumbar and other back and muscle pain in South America.

In the United States, devil’s claw is not well known or widely used. It originated in southern Africa and grows in the deserts of the Namibia region. The locals of that region use it for kidney, bladder and liver pain.

It’s also believed that the sooner one begins using this herb, the more one postpones the aches and pains of aging. The herb is immensely popular in some parts of the world and is even being used on horses in some Arabic countries. Even my own herbal “pharmacy” at home would never be without it; this devil’s claw was more like an angel’s touch in curing my husband’s back pain.

Story by Edna Sousa for Waterside Syndications

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