Ginger inhibits colon cancer, says research

Ginger is one of several powerful healing foods that exhibit strong, well documented effects on the human body. In this case, it's being shown to inhibit the growth of colorectal cancer cells.

Eat a little ginger with each meal, and your risk of developing colon cancer drop significantly. But you can help yourself even more by eliminating the foods that cause colon cancer in the first place: red meat is the primary culprit, followed by hydrogenated oils (a common ingredient in margarine, crackers and cookies), barbequed foods (the charring of such foods results in the formation of highly carcinogenic chemical compounds), and of course sodium nitrite (a deadly food additive found in virtually all packaged meat products).

There's also the important strategy of adding more fiber to your diet, since lack of fiber is strongly associated with the accelerated development of colon cancer.
(by: Mike Adams)

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