Green tea phytochemicals shown to prevent breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer and more

New research shows just how powerful the phytochemicals in green tea are turning out to be: they are now known to prevent breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer and other forms of cancer.

In fact, if green tea were a prescription drug, it would be called a "miracle cancer cure" drug, no doubt. (And it would be sold for $200 a pill, if not more.) But it's not a drug, and it's available to you right now for mere pennies. Green tea is simply one of the most powerful medicinal herbs known. It is especially useful for preventing cancer, and the research keeps on coming.

Every person suffering from cancer (or at risk of being diagnosed with cancer) should be taking green tea nutritional supplements. It has zero negative side effects, and yet delivers powerful anti-cancer compounds.
(by: Mike Adams)

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