Rainforest herb Sarsaparilla is nature's medicine for joint pain and organ detoxification

The sarsaparilla herb may be the answer for people who have joint pain but want a natural remedy for eliminating it.

Sarsaparilla is a woody vine with black, red and blue berry-like fruits that have given the indigenous peoples of Central and South America results for centuries. They have used sarsaparilla for sexual impotence, skin ailments and even for helping rid the feeling of general physical weakness that plagues some people.

The sarsaparilla plant was first recognized as a pain relief treatment in Peru, where the vine’s extract was used for headaches, joint pain and ailments associated with the common cold. Additionally, the sarsaparilla plant has been used both internally and externally for leprosy and other skin problems, including psoriasis and dermatitis.

In addition to external uses, the flavonoids in sarsaparilla have been documented to have immune modulation and even live protective activities. A patent was granted in the U.S. in association with sarsaparilla’s apparent effectiveness in treating autoimmune diseases and inflammatory reactions using immunomodulating effects.

The patent includes animal studies that also showed smilagenin – part of the sarsaparilla plant -- reversed the decline of brain receptors in aged mice and restored the receptor levels to those observed in young ones. The animal research also showed that these mice had a reversal in the decline in cognitive function, and enhanced memory and learning. Results of these studies have only been published in the context of the patent so far, and have not yet appeared in any peer-reviewed journals.

Sarsaparilla is now available in a variety of tablets, capsules and tincture products in many modern natural and health food stores. In addition, sarsaparilla is found as a component ingredient in various herbal remedies made for skin disorders, libido enhancement, hormone balancing and even sports nutrition formulas. The sarsaparilla herb itself is available from www.Rain-Tree.com or in various Amazon Herb products like Recovazon.

"This herb is one of nature's many replacements for COX-2 inhibitor drugs like Vioxx," said Mike Adams, a holistic nutritionist and proponent of natural medicine. "It reduces inflammation naturally, and unlike prescription drugs, it won't cause you to have a heart attack and die. That's important to some consumers and even a few doctors," Adams said.

(by: Jerome Douglas)

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